Waterstone Information Page

Waterstone Growth Groups
We have 5 Growth Groups currently meeting. Our last growth group will be on the Week of May 7th, then we will pause for the Summer, and pick back up in August or September.
Carol Jacobs leads a group that meets at Johnny and Carol’s house on Rouse Road in Warrior
at 12:30 on the 1st Sunday of the month. Lunch is provided.
Luke Brown leads a group that meets at his house. They meet on the 1st Sunday of the month just after the 2nd Service. Lunch is provided.
Bob Rhodes – leads a group that meets at Bro. Jerrel’s house in Mount Olive, following 2nd service on the 1st Sunday of the month. Lunch is provided.
John King – leads a group that meets in the church Fellowship Hall following the 2nd
service on the 1st Sunday of the month. Childcare and Lunch are both provided.
Frank McCallie – leads a group that meets on Tuesday following the 1st Sunday of the month. Frank’s group meets at 7 PM at the church in the Sunday School Office.
Upcoming Events
Youth Spaghetti Fundraiser
April 16 – Plates are $8 for adults, and $6 for kids. The youth will begin service after Sunday School and again after the 2nd Worship Service. Take out plates will available.
Youth 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
April 29 – The tournament will take place at the old Warrior Middle School Gym. Please see BJ or Katie Eadie for more information on  how you can help.
Quarterly Fellowship Dinner and Business Meeting
May 10 – 6 PM, join us for our fellowship dinner. The food is good and the fellowship is great. Following, we will have our business meeting. Kids on the Move and Waterstone Youth will also meet for regular services at 7 PM.
Mothers Day 2023
May 14 – Join us on Mother’s Day 2023 at either of our services when we will celebrate Mothers.